
2009 — 2015 – Faculty of fine art in Ostrava / atelier of Painting I / Czech Republic

2012 — 2013 – Educational stay / KingiKongi Gallery- Sorbus Gallery / Helsinki / Finland

2012 — 2013 – Practical training / biodynamic farm Toivo / Rihuntie / Finland

2010 — 2011 – Educational stay / école supérieure des arts Saint luc / Liege / Belgium

2010 — 2011 – Practical training / biodynamic agriculture / farm Larock / Rotheux / Belgie

2008 — 2009 – Secondary school of art Zámeček / ateliér of painting / Czech Republic

2004 — 2008 – Graphic design, Private Secondary School of Arts, Písek / Czech Republic


2018 Nominated for Art prize 11. Cena kritiky za mladou malbu / gelerie kritiků / Prague

2014 Nominated for Startpoint prize / Dox / Prague


Atelierhaus Salzamt / Linz / AT / 2019

Kunstfabrik / Groß Siegharts / AT / 2019

Egon Schiele art residency / Český Krumlov / CZ / 2015

Střelnice / Off-city / Pardubice / CZ / 2015

Kvilda / Czech-German culture center / / CZ / 2014
Divo Institue Kolín / CZ / 2013

Mustarinda art residency / / Finland / 2013


HOMIE / duo exhibition w/ Patrick Ostrowsky / Kebbel Villa / curated : Jurgen Dehm / Schwandorf / Germany / 2024

4+4 dny v pohybu - festival of contemporary art / Všechno je všech / curated: Jiří Ptáček / Erpet centrum / Praha / 2023

MUSTARINDA Löyly / Entrance gallery, curated: Tereza Zachová, Zuzana Janečková / Praha / 2022

Mythologies / curated : Juergen Dehm / Cathy space / Furth im Wald /Germany / 2022

Stone fragility II / Potencial gallery / Prague / 2022

Frauenthal / AJG / Hluboká nad Vltavou / 2021

KOPFSTAND / Kunsfabrik GrossSiegharts / AT / 2020

Mitteleuropa-Zyklus 10 / Stift Lilienfeld / Austria / 2019

SAIKEI II - finall harmony / galerie Měsíc ve dne / w/ Nikola Brabcová & Tomáš Hrůza / curated: Jiří Ptáček / České Budějovice / 2019

SAIKEI - finall harmony / Galerie české spořitelny / Praha / 2019

Nomads of the night / D9 gallery / České Budějovice / 2018

Nor a day without a comma / Postconceptual overlaps in contemporary Czech and Slovak drawings / OGV Jihlava / curated: Lenka Sýkorová / 2017

Stone fragility / Favu gallery / curated: Lenka Sýkorová / Brno / 2017

Medicinbal / Altán Klamovka /curated: Lenka Sýkorová / Prague / 2017

Warum Darum / Galerie Jekor / curated: Nikola Brabcová / Prague/ 2016

I was taking picture and then my battery died / with Philipp Renda / Periscope gallery / Salzburg / Austria / 2016

Hraniční / Galerie Bludný kámen / Opava / 2016

Neighbourhood Boogie-Woogie! / Žižkov Prague / 2016

24 RAVEN / with Gerhard Feldbacher / Salzburg / Austria /2015

Něco mezi vnitřním a vnějším / Galerie W7 / curated: Monika Beková / Olomouc / 2015

Start point prize 2014 / DOX gallery / Prague

Diplomky 2014 / Cooltour / Důl Hlubina / Ostrava 

Na Hranici / Galerie Školská 28 / Prague / 2014

Pojízdný herbář / Galerie Kabinet Chaos / Střítež /2014

Šapitó / galerie Garáž / GAG / Zlín / 2014

tpcart / GASK / Kutná Hora /2013

Infinity of brilliant experiences / Industrial gallery / Ostrava / 2012

Dark is so fast that it can´t be seen leaking out of the closet / Stolen gallery / Český Krumlov 

d lak da L lak alá lak / with Petr Švolba / Bazart office gallery / Liege / Belgie / 2012

Lines long time / kabinet 217 / Ostrava / 2012

Á la recherche de la bohéme de perdu / Zurich / 2012 

L´amor / Bazart office / Liege / Belgium / 2011


Czech-German Art centrum Kvilda / 2014

Nomadic Village / internatinal sympsium / Austria 

Chaos / Střítež / 2013 / 2014
Na hranici / international symposium of art Na Hranici / Tummelplatz / Germany / 2012 

Šumakárt / art symposium / Horní Vltavice / 2010 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 

Klenová / Gallery Klenová / 2007